jueves, 5 de enero de 2012

This is my opinion about ICT, what is yours?

To start with I would like to say that technology nowadays gives us a wide range of opportunities, we just have to know how to use it, and when to use it. I do not have experience on teaching English, but I am sure that all these new resources we are learning to use, as hotpotatoes, wikis or blogs are going to be a very useful tool for us in the future.

As we all know technology changes nearly every day so we will have to be constantly updating our knowledge, this is a very important matter to bear in mind.

Also, internet gives us great resources, worksheets, videos, songs… but it is very important that we create our own material because it gives us the opportunity to personalize it according to the children we are teaching to.

I would love to hear you opinion about ICT!

Learn English by watching

This is a very interesting web side which I really recomend, it is free you just have to create an account to navigate and access to the material


Oxford Advanced Learner's diccionary

I recomend you to visit this web side, even though it says "Advanced" it can be useful for children as well as they can type any word, simple words as "table" and they can get how to pronounce it.

Try it!


What is the weather like today?

This is a Youtube song where children can learn new vocabulary about the weather